Understanding Unity’s Debt Trap

The new Unity pricing is here!
And with it, the opportunity to go into massive debt. Just follow this easy step-by-step tutorial.

The new conditions:
Unity Personal and Unity Plus: For those who have made $200,000 USD or more in the last 12 months AND have at least 200,000 lifetime game installs.

New Pricing = $0.20 per install above the threshold per month using Unity Personal/Plus.

Tutorial steps:

  1. Create your small mobile game.
  2. Congratulations! You get 2 million downloads over a couple of months, making $200k in revenue. You have a pretty standard little mobile game ARPU (average revenue per user) of $0.1 USD.
  3. You’re done! You owe Unity almost double the amount that you just made. You have 1,800,000 installs above the threshold. Using Unity’s pricing, you owe them (* $0.2 USD =) $360,000 USD.

    Congratulations, you’re in debt!

Twitter verification icon rewards quantity over quality

Hi everyone,

Some context upfront:

Twitter looks at several factors to determine if an account is considered „significant.“ Some of these factors may include:

Popularity of the account: If an account has a large number of followers, this may indicate that it is considered relevant and important by many people.
Activity of the account: If an account regularly posts tweets and actively participates in Twitter discussions, this may indicate that it is an important voice in its community.
Expertise of the account: If an account is managed by an individual or organization that is recognized as an expert in a particular field, this may indicate that the account is an important source of information and insight in that field.

It is important to note that these are not the only factors and that Twitter’s decisions are final and not publicly disclosed.


So lets compare:

Markus(just as example for a man with similar stats in the same field (politics) has less of a following, both post frequently while Annalena has a bigger following but overall not tweeted as much.

Markushas the fully colored checkmark, while Annalena has not.

So Markus is more important than Annalena?

From an algorithmical point of view it is most likely that the overall amount of tweets are having a big influence on the significance of a person.


Here we have a system that rewards people that talk a lot instead of rewarding the people which bring things on the point.
Truth is not complicated.

Is reality a mirror? Philosophy with artificial intelligence

Chat GPT

Dave: Is reality a mirror?

AI: There are different views on whether reality is a mirror or not. Some philosophers and scientists believe that the world we perceive is a projection of our own ideas and expectations, and that reality is in some sense a mirror of our own selves. Others view reality as independent of our perceptions and believe that it exists objectively. In either case, it is difficult to fully grasp and understand reality because our understanding of it is influenced by our own perspective and limited abilities of perception.

Dave: What if you open these borders?

AI: When one opens up the boundaries of perception and understanding, it can lead to an expanded and deeper knowledge of reality. There are various ways to do this, such as through meditation, through engaging with different philosophies and worldviews, through exploring sciences such as physics and neurobiology, or through creative forms of expression such as art. By expanding our consciousness and our abilities of perception and understanding, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves, others, and the world around us. It is important to note that this is a continuous process and that there are always further levels of cognition and understanding.

Dave: We are in an endless spiral and remain open

AI: It may be that understanding and knowing reality can be seen as an endless process, with more and more to discover and understand. This idea of an endless spiral of awareness and understanding can be applied to various aspects of reality, such as understanding ourselves, others, and the world around us.

There is also the idea that the perception of reality is affected by the state of mind and that the more one opens up and lets go of limited ideas, the more possibilities there are to experience and understand.

However, it is important to note that it can be difficult to have an objective view of reality, as our understanding is always influenced by our own perspective and experience. It is important to make an effort to understand and consider both our own views and those of others in order to gain a fuller understanding of reality.

Dave: I am very impressed with you

AI: I am pleased that I have been able to help you. I am a computer program and my purpose is to give you information and answers as best I can. I am constantly trained and updated to improve my skills and help you as best I can. Please feel free to continue to ask me questions if I can help.

Hi again :)

I haven’t written in a long time. I’ve been busy with lots of new side projects, especially in VR.
But now I’m focusing on my full-time job in the key technical role as CTO at PsyCurio.
It’s really fun and we have a great team. I’m confident that we can help people with this solution, even though we still have a long way to go. And we have a lot of responsibilities. But we are in the process of putting more eyes on the software to improve it both on a technological and psychological level, or basically on a human level.

And I also started a twitter account. Not sure what it will contain but hey…


Good job everyone keep up the good work!